A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Push tiny humans off a platform into an infinite void to up your score!



-R to pause game

-C to "call" (spawn in) other zombies


This was a small project I finished around Wednesday: you play a zombie in a zombie apocalypse. The "light v dark" aspect was your the bad guy instead of the usual.

Thats all fun & games but since then I've been unable to package the project. Despite that & some kinda 'DNS server' problem on top of that I don't want the works of my 1st (possibly successful) game jam to go to waste.

If anyone wants to package the ZIP file for me & send it back or upload it to Itch themself that'd be great.


jam_BITv2.zip 617 MB

Install instructions

Download & unzip file: You can play in UE5.1 editor, package the file for me, or wait until I resolve my problems.

Development log

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